'omie's Palabras De La Casa

Mo' Bounce to the Ounce if You Want Some Mo'

Monday, March 19, 2007

Addendum to the Billy Crystal film critique

I can't believe I forgot about one of the greatest mob films ever. Analyze This took Deniro's Jimmy Conway and placed it under the care of neurotic psychologist played by Crystal. Everyone was perfectly cast and it was a very funny film, thanks to the performances from the leads as well as Harold Ramis' direction. The only fault was the DVD commentary heralded Deniro and Crystal, but if you listen to it, they are both in different locations. If you could have heard their discussion together, I'm sure it would have been one for the ages.

The sequel, unfortunately, tried to replicate the success but only succeeded in the first quarter of its run time. The rest was dull and a waste of time.


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