Games games games
With the upcoming holiday seasons, publishers try and release the bulk of their new hotness in time for Santa Claus. Games like Gears of War and Sims 2: Pets not to mention systems like the PS3 and Wii are all picked to be staples of kids' (and adults') Christmas stockings.
But not me.
Yes, I've got a host of other stuff that I'm still plowing through (and replowing through). Call of Duty 2 is currently my game of choice. It came out about a year ago and I completed it around 9 months ago. However, I recently became reacquainited with its solid graphics and visceral destruction of the German army during WW2. I also enjoy the fact that you don't have a "health bar" like you do in so many other FPSs. Instead, if you get shot up, your soldier gets a bit "winded" and has to breath heavy. In a few seconds, this dissapates and he's back and ready to take more machine gun shells to the face. Sure, its unrealistic but it beats having to run around looking for a health kit or piece of armor.
I've also got Company of Heroes to try out. I've read its quite a killer RTS and look forward to taking on the Nazis from a top down perspective. I'm gonna get you Hitler - with a Colt 45 or M1 Abrams, you're mine!
Now back to your regularly scheduled program....