Cambridge livin'
So, I live in Central Square, which is roughly equidistant between Hahvahd and MIT. Theoretically with the big brains from each school so close, my noggin should have grown exponentially over my two years here. Not fuckin likely. Although, I think my stomach has increased due to the great places to eat (Central Kitchen is the bizomb)
I think I had a point here...oh yeah, so living in Cambridge I've decided there are two types of people - pissed off people that hate their life or snobby mofos who think their life is better than everyone elses.
You can tell the former by the way they stare at the ground when they walk to work in the morning. The latter? They've got this half-smile on their face as they make feeble attempts to stare each and every pedestrian down to a the size of a pea.
Then there's me who, as long as it's over 50 degrees in the morning, has the windows down blasting the latest jams from 1993. Regulators...Mount up!
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