'omie's Palabras De La Casa

Mo' Bounce to the Ounce if You Want Some Mo'

Monday, May 26, 2008

Why is Twitter getting huge?

So, I signed up for Twitter a few weeks ago and was utterly amazed at how much its used. Most of the big shot tech luminaries are on it, (Guy Kawasaki, Kevin Rose, Chris Pirillo, Leo Laporte, etc.) and they are also VERY frequent posters. (Robert Scoble's there at least 5 times a day) Also, the number of followers each one has is incredible. Twitterholic has these stats and right now, Leo has over 37,000!! What's interesting is that he only has 900 or so messages posts (or "tweets"). Scoble is in 5th place in terms of followers but has over 12,ooo tweets. It's interesting the type of people who are followed. Seth Godin never posts anything unique - its simply the title of his daily blog post, which I already get in my RSS feed. Yet, over 5,500 people follow him.

The TWIT crew are even giving out their twitter names as of late - of course these are predominately those I mentioned above, but they are almost skipping out on their blog URLs. John C Dvorak used to mention his blog a few times a show (it was a running joke), but now Leo only mentions it at the onset and then they all repeat their Twitter names throughout. Neat how it has changed.

To answer my original question - I think it'll only continue getting bigger as long as the big shots keep using it. I'll also be interested how they initiate some direct cash-building exercises.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I bet Castro is STILL safe

The results show is tonight, and despite his crappy performances, I think Castro is gonna stay. He must have some type of weird appeal to the ladies and potheads, but otherwise he's terrible. He's repeatedly outsung, forgot some lyrics yesterday, and doesn't have a clue on how to remake songs. Yet, he's beat out much stronger competitors.

So, get your suitcases ready Syesha - you made a valiant effort, but popularity rules. on't worry sweetheart, we'll see you in the future.

And unless Cook is in the bottom two this week, Castro will be gone next week. As much as I like Mr. Cook, Archuletta has solidified his crown.

Palabras De La Casa

Redman's Cribz is chock full of goods "De La Casa." ...Keep the flow flowing

Location: cambridge, MA

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