'omie's Palabras De La Casa

Mo' Bounce to the Ounce if You Want Some Mo'

Thursday, April 10, 2008

American Idol Predictions

Just saw that Michael Johns was booted. He had some good initial performances, but at this point he's a wanna be rocker, and David Cook has got that genre tied up beautifully.

So, who's left?

Syesha Mercado - Cute girl. Great voice but more or less a Whitney wannabe. I don't think this market can use it. Particularly with the lack of female talent (who haven't had past success) She's had quite a few bottom three's and will be gone in the next two weeks.

Brooke White - She can sing decently, but not well. She's quite wholesome and humble, which seems to be her appeal. Probably top 5.

Jason Castro - Honestly, I can't tell if the dude can sing or not. He seems to perform fairly well. Sometimes. I guess nice smiles and dreads get you far with the ladies. I think his shtick will begin to get old in the next few weeks. But, please chill with the dope.

Carly Smithson - I want her to go for the simple fact that she already had a contract and her album sold like 300 copies. Her fault? No, but let someone else get mismarketed and bomb. You've had your shot. Plus Syesha can outsing her, so she doesn't have much going for her.

Kristy Lee Cook - I have to say she's actually getting better. She's also cute. As long as she keeps up her streak of strong song choice, she may have a few weeks left.

David Archuletta - Yeah he's friggin adorable. Yeah he can sing. Yeah he chooses pretty good songs. Yeah his album will sell millions, regardless of when he's booted. But I have to say - he irritates the shit out of me.

David Cook - My man. Killer voice and super original. I hope he wins.

Going home predictions
Cook should win, but it'll probably be Archuletta.

There's always next year.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

"Uncredited" actor?!?!

So, I just finished watching Orange County and was rather impressed. It was a quick 82 minutes, but quite funny with some classic Jack Black and a great drug-induced Harold Ramis. It also had cameos from Ben Stiller and Kevin Kline, as a fireman and author, respectively. However, when I was sifting through the credits, I noticed they weren't mentioned. Same thing happened in Anchorman - Stiller, Luke Wilson, and Tim Robbins were all a part of the big "brawl" but weren't in the credits. Ashton Kutcher in Cheaper by the Dozen? No dice either. (Shut up, it had its moments).

Huh? Why? Don't you want the recognition?

I'm not sure how their salaries worked out, but I'm assuming they were paid just like Chevy Chase (credited in Orange County, but in a much smaller part than Mr. Kline). My only thought would be that they thought the film was going to bomb and didn't want it to tarnish their record? Possibly - although Wild Wild West (Kline) and Mystery Men (Stiller) have already accomplished this task.

Palabras De La Casa

Redman's Cribz is chock full of goods "De La Casa." ...Keep the flow flowing

Location: cambridge, MA

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