'omie's Palabras De La Casa

Mo' Bounce to the Ounce if You Want Some Mo'

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Xmas time!

Been busy with a bunch of stuff, but here are some highlights:

- More or less set with Xmas shopping, Provided, of course, that the deliveries this week take place as scheduled. Otherwise, heads may roll. Of yeah, a tip for anyone who has FedEx problems. Send the CEO a letter (not an email, a letter). I had some runaround problems with them and sent him off some unhappy comments. About a week later, I was FedEx'd (of course) a very nice note back explaining the issue as well as a $25 AMEX gift check. Good work, FedEx!

- Almost finished up Crysis. Friggin great game until the cave. Then it just gets dull and aggravating. I'm at the second to last bad guy, but he's a pain and I'm more interested in redoing the earlier levels. Or maybe, I should try Bioshock (eBay'd), Orange Box ($25 during BF weekend), or Super Mario Galaxy (came with a $25 gift card)? Too many games, not enough time.

-Made some nice dollaz with Soldier of Fortune 3 Payback. First off, I was super-excited that it came out, as its prequels contained some hardcore gore (say that three times fast). This one, though, seemed like it was done in a weekend. Shit graphics, weak sound, and boring levels. After about 20 minutes, I again did the letter thing to the Activision CEO. After two weeks, no word back. So, I eBayed it and I got over $100 for the $40 game. Seems a guy in Australia and a dude in Germany both really wanted it. The latter won, and so did I. Thanks Activision!

- Enjoyed not having to drive during the past two snow storms. Although, the subway rarely, rarely cloes so the chance of me having a snow day is ridiculously slim...

And, yes, I'll go back to one-a-day in the new year, if not before.

Palabras De La Casa

Redman's Cribz is chock full of goods "De La Casa." ...Keep the flow flowing

Location: cambridge, MA

Ask and ye' shall receive